[cvsnt] Unable to commit

Ryan nospam at nospam.net
Fri Mar 7 06:34:55 GMT 2008


We are running CVSNT on Windows 2003 and use SSPI.  We have several 
users working with CVSNT just fine, but recently any new user we create 
is unable to commit.  This is the error we are getting:

cvs [server aborted]: could not open lock file 
'/cvsroot/web/Project1/source/Login/,Login.cs,': Permission denied
cvs commit: saving log message in 

I've ensured that testuser4 has necessary NTFS permissions; he is in the 
exact same groups as other users.

I've restarted the CVS and Locking services with no luck.  I even tried 
rebooting the server; again no luck.

Here's the output from "cvslock -test"

CVSLock 2.5.03 (Scorpio) Build 2382 (Jul  5 2006) starting in test mode.
Initialising socket...
Starting lock server on port 2402/tcp...
Using internal mdns Responder
Publishing mdns records for hippo2._cvspserver._tcp
Starting thread 00000bb4
Lock Client #1(cvs2.mydomain.com) opened
(#1) New client testuser4(DEVBOX2) root F:/cvsroot/web
(#1) Lock request on F:/cvsroot/web/Project1/source/Login/Login.cs,v 
(Read Full) (granted 1)
(#1) Lock request on F:/cvsroot/web/Project1/source/Login/Login.cs,v 
(Write Advisory) (granted 2)
(#1) Unlock request on lock 1
(#1) Lock request on F:/cvsroot/web/Project1/source/Login/Login.cs,v 
(Read Full) (granted 3)
(#1) Lock request on F:/cvsroot/web/Project1/source/Login/Login.cs,v 
(Write Full) (granted 4)
Destroyed 3 locks
No more clients
Lock Client #1 closed
(#1) Close request
Terminating thread 00000bb4

Also, whenever testuser4 attempts to commit, temp files are written to 
the CvsTemp folder but are not deleted.

Any help is greatly appreciated!


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