[cvsnt] CVSNT Authentication Error -

Suresh Mukundhan mukundhansuresh at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 13 17:46:18 GMT 2008


I have set up cruise control 2.7 with CVSNT server
2.5.3 (both are running on the same windows xp
machine). When i try to build the code, i get the
following error.

The set up is config.xml calls a branch.xml which in
turn calls the build.xml. I use pserver protocol,
checked out the project from eclipse and copied over
to CC work directory..

Error Message:
[cc]Mar-12 22:30:38 VersionsSystem- Empty password
used - try 'cvs login' with a 
real password 
[cc]Mar-12 22:30:38 VersionsSystem- cvs [log aborted]:
authorization failed: ser 
ver rejected access to /TEST for user

I am calling CVS from branch.xml like the following 
<cvs quiet="true" command="up -d -P"/>.

Any help?

--- Suresh Mukundhan <mukundhansuresh at yahoo.com>

> Hi,
> I am running a cruise control based build using CVS
> as
> my repository (Both CVS and Cruise Control tool are
> on
> the same machine). My CVS is 2.5.03 Build 2382 on
> Windows XP Pro 2002 SP2.
> When i try to access CVS using Cruise Control i get
> the following error.
> Connect xx.xxx.x.xxx:2401 failed: A Connection
> attemos
> failed because the connected party did not properly
> respond after a period of time,or established
> connection failed because connected host has failed
> to
> respond.
> Can someone throw some light on please?
> Thanks
> Suarsan Mukundhan..
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