[cvsnt] Merge doesn't remove file

Gerhard Fiedler lists at connectionbrazil.com
Fri Mar 14 18:01:39 GMT 2008

Flávio Etrusco wrote:

>>>> I have a file that has been removed on a branch, but when I merge that
>>>> branch into HEAD, the file on HEAD doesn't get removed. Instead, I
>>>> get a message that says "cvs server: file Base.hpp has been modified,
>>>> but has been removed in revision bGeDev". (See the update command
>>>> below.) 
>>>> The file is not modified on HEAD (see stat below). The only
>>>> modifications are a few revisions on the branch after the last merge
>>>> before the file got removed on the branch. But the last revision on
>>>> the branch is dead (see log below). Yet, after the merge, the file in
>>>> HEAD is untouched. 
>>>> Can anybody explain why it doesn't merge the remove from the branch
>>>> to HEAD?
>>> I guess the message refers to the fact that there were
>>> commits/modifications on head after the branchpoint/last mergepoint?
>> That would be understandable, but there aren't any modifications to the
>> file on HEAD after the last merge point. (See my response to Tony for
>> details.) 
> Oops. sorry. I guess both Tony and me didn't notice the revision 1.5
> is already the _result_ of the merge operation, since it shows a
> mergepoint... Is that correct?
> From the original post:
> ----------------------------
> revision 1.5
> date: 2008/02/26 16:39:57;  author: gerhard.fiedler;  state: Exp;  lines:
> +138 -66;  kopt: kv;  commitid: f6c47c440c10c50;  mergepoint:;
> filename: Base.hpp;
> ----------------------------

Yes, this is correct. The first merge was from into 1.4 and created
1.5 with the mergepoint. The next merge attempt was from the (dead)
into (the still unmodified) 1.5. It did not merge and neither mark the file
as a conflict.

See also the file "history" I listed in my reply to Tony.


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