[cvsnt] 2.5.04 stable / feedback on Vista and W2008?

Andreas Tscharner andreas.tscharner at metromec.ch
Wed Mar 26 06:45:05 GMT 2008

Arthur Barrett wrote:

> Without evidence that it would significantly improve things then I
> think the problems it would create outweigh the benefits
> (specifically people on RH9/SuSE9 would need to upgrade to new GCC
> libraries that up2date or yast do not provide).
> However creating RHEL5/SUSE10 specific builds with the latest
> compilers for those (which I assume are the latest stable) is an idea
> - though one that I'm unlikely to pursue for this release.

That's OK with me. It was just a question.

Best regards
Andreas Tscharner                          andreas.tscharner at metromec.ch
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