[cvsnt] Problem branching, then error on commit in CVSNT

Arthur Barrett arthur.barrett at march-hare.com
Thu May 8 06:46:51 BST 2008


> > Now modify each one (just add a comment or blank line) and 
> > commit a change back to the branch
> I just realized this is not feasible to do to *all* the files in the
> project, as many are third-party controls, some are binary 
> files such as
> .GIFs, etc.
> Perhaps I misunderstood and you only meant for me to change 
> the "problem" files? 

Just the problem files.  In fact just start with one and run the commit
command I sent you then if that works do the rest.  

The key (as I wrote earlier) is starting in a fresh 'empty' directory.
I can't stress this point enough - completely away from everything else
you've done so far.  On another disk would be ideal - but just
absolutely nowhere near anything else you've been doing work so far.



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