[cvsnt] Line Ending issues after branching

Arthur Barrett arthur.barrett at march-hare.com
Wed May 14 02:47:37 BST 2008

Suman Brar,

> I am using CVSNT 2.5.03 version of server. I have recently 
> branched off my code from main trunk. The problem I am facing 
> is with the windows .rc files. Every time I make a change to 
> .rc file and commits that file into the branch it adds up 
> blank line in between all the lines and the line endings it 
> shows is of Mac(CR). I fthe same file I cahnge and check-in 
> into the main trunk no such peoblem occurs and the line 
> endings are of Windows. Please help.

You've asked this before, see the FAQ:

I've replied to this issue already (and I know you saw my reply since
you replied to it):

It was also mentioned in the notes for the latest testing release:

You can either:
* use the commercial release where this has been fixed for years
* upgrade to the latest testing release (server and client)



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