[cvsnt] Upgrade from CVSNT 2.0.51d to CVSNT 2.5.03 2382 - InvalidRCS Flags

Sean Bertinotti lystakata at gmail.com
Thu May 22 16:07:13 BST 2008

Hello Glen,

I have done a trace when checking out the module and I've identified the 
file, it was not the file I thought it was. I have opened that file in 
the repository and it's all garbaged, no CVS header info. It was a 
compiled file that shouldn't have been in there. Question is how do I 
remove it, so that the checkout can carry on and I can clean up the 
repository, can I just delete it in the repository? If so then I can 
manually do this for each module until all non needed "corrupt" files 
get removed. Yes?


Sean Bertinotti wrote:
> Hi Glen,
> Thanks for the response, I'm assuming it is the file because this is the 
> next file in the directory (alphabetically) after the last file that was 
> successful. I will find out how to do a trace and do it and let you know.
> Regards,
> Sean B
> Glen Starrett wrote:
>> Sean Bertinotti wrote:
>>> I have installed 2.5.04 (3055) and I still get the same problem. Is 
>>> there not something that I could run that would check all the flags 
>>> for me. Why does it not tell me what flags are offending ? How do you 
>>> normally fix offending RCS flags?
>> Hi Sean -- The output looks normal enough, are you sure this is the 
>> offending file?  Run a trace to confirm that's the correct file, then 
>> you can look at the RCS file and compare it to one that is not causing 
>> trouble and see if you can pick up the difference(s).
>> Regards,

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