[cvsnt] CVSNT 2.5.04 build 3236 server really slow

Andy Southby asouthby at drumgrange.co.uk
Thu Nov 6 06:31:46 GMT 2008


Read the thread all the way through as Arthur says and then don't spend days looking from the front to the back as I did assuming your IT department have configured DNS correctly. Go straight to the DNS server and ensure the forwarders are disabled or (if your systems are on the internet, pointing to the correct forwarders).

Something quick you can try is to ping an unknown address and see how long it takes then the same address but with your local domain appended. i.e.
ping www.fgeiodhfkgysghflgj.com
ping www.fgeiodhfkgysghflgj.com.<domainname>.<local>

I don't know how scientific this is but I found in the first instance it took a good few seconds (5 ish) to come back unable to find host where as in the second example it was immediate. Once I had reconfigured DNS both were immediate.

It was suggested to me to put the requested entries in the hosts file but I didn't try this as I had already fixed the problem by then. This might be a quick test but I know very little of DNS and don't know if it tries DNS or hosts file first. If the former then it may make little difference.

Hope this helps,
Good Luck,

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