[cvsnt] ipv6 handling in cvsnt is broken

Tony Hoyle tony.hoyle at march-hare.com
Mon Nov 10 01:37:33 GMT 2008

Arkadiusz Miskiewicz wrote:

A couple of points:

> This rule only applies to ::, not ::1.

This is entirely irrelevant as there are only two possible cases.   The 
code is written to handle both cases transparently, and does.

$ netstat -an | grep 2402
tcp        0      0* 
tcp6       0      0 ::1:2402                :::* 

$ netstat -an | grep 2401
tcp6       0      0 :::2401                 :::* 

cvsnt doesn't just cater for a couple of OSs - the commercial builds run 
on all sorts of environments and the code to handle these cases has to 
be (and is) robust.

> You are wrong here. Tell me how to specify LockServer being ::1 with port 432 
> in PServer config file? Parsing is done in cvsnt, I see strchr used there for 
> example.


I can see absolutely no reason why anyone would want to do this.  The 
config is there to change the port in case there's a conflicting 
application.  Changing the address only makes sense for multi-server 
configurations and those are pretty rare in themselves.

The only thing missing from cvsnt is the -4 and -6 command line options 
that are in evs.


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