[cvsnt] Betr.: Re: Betr.: Re: March-Hare message into my commitmessages

Clóvis Garcia Marcondes clovis.garcia at phoebus.com.br
Mon Nov 10 11:27:14 GMT 2008

I´v checked at the source and a new option (-M) of commit has been 
created to suport an advertise only on screen, and it is not put into 
the message. The problem is that I use WinCVS and the default option to 
set the commit message (-m) cannot be changed.

I think the behaviour of the new option (-M) is much more effective than 
the change of the actual option (-m) simply because every commit you got 
the advertise on your screen is showed and the advertise on commit 
message you only got when you get a log. Worst, even after you have 
bought the commit message cannot be changed unless by a manual procedure.

Considering this, is possible to just make -m option works like -M?

Andy Southby escreveu:
> All,
> I have to agree with posters on both sides of the discussion.
> The ebook is invaluable and have to admit that I bought a personal copy
> of the last release just to get the ebook. I'm not getting paid to say
> this either but a free copy of the 2008 version would be nice ;-)
> I understand the need to advertise but have already had it mentioned by
> developers that having this in every commit is placing more in many of
> our repository files than the change comment it's self. Unfortunately I
> can't come up with a better suggestion as to where it could go. But the
> people making the decisions as to purchasing the tool don't see the
> comments and a number of developers here believe I should have selected
> SVN when I put a CM system in place. I continue to be hopeful that when
> they have used it for a while they will see the benefits of support but
> this has re invigorated the SVN lobby. :(
> I hope that now CVSNT has gone live the resistance to change to another
> tool will subside as it will be seen as easier to continue than change.
> Regards,
> Andy.

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