[cvsnt] CVS Server Side Reporting Tools?

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Sun Nov 16 09:45:52 GMT 2008

On Mon, 10 Nov 2008 07:07:47 +1100, "Arthur Barrett"
<arthur.barrett at march-hare.com> wrote:

>> - a CVSNT API through which one could call the 
>> database write functions to create the entries 
>> CVSNT Audit normally does for CVS
>> operations.
>Yes the CVSAPI already provides this, this is what I was originally suggesting.
>Or you could do as Tony suggested and call the audit trigger (which is a clean C API), the only trick there is getting the sequence right and the parameters right since it's designed to be called from CVSNT server during the commit/tag/whatever operation.  
>> - a CVSNT API through which one could get the 
>> data needed to be used for the above calls.
>I assume you mean to read the RCS data?  No - we have no API for that in CVSNT (though we do in EVS).
>> Then the CVSNT settings for the Audit database would be 
>> used without the need for the external application to access
>> the database directly
>Yes I think that is a good goal.

I'm back at this again and I would like to know where I can get hold
of the CVSAPI documentation?

I have tried finding some kind of docs but failed (looked in my
checked out sources & googled for it).

I tried using DependencyWalker on the cvsapi.dll file to see the entry
points, but they are such that I cannot decode how to use them....

What I think will be sufficient for the task at hand (filing the audit
database with old non-audited data) is access to the ls, log and
status calls to get the file structure out and then the data for each
file without using brute force by reading on filesystem level.


(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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