[cvsnt] Betr.: Re: Checkout Multiple TAG's - solved

Jan Keirse jan.keirse at tvh.be
Wed Sep 17 08:30:19 BST 2008

cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org schreef op 15/09/2008 19:24:11:

> > what revision of the file is brought
> > to the destination folder? The last tag? The first? Randomly?
> It brings the last revision.

That's quite odd, because a tag is not on a file but on a revision of a 
> > And how do you order tags? By date? Alphabetically? By time and 
> branch? And how do you
> > order branches? By level? By time?
> I wrote this small code to bring only tags ordered alphabetically.

That makes sence. 
> > Didn't ever crossed your mind that if CVS does not allow to 
> checkout multiple tags at once *there could be a good
> > reason*, maybe?
> No. How I would know it? I'm new to CVS, I'm learning it yet.
> > Do you think you really solved it? Good luck...
> Yeees I sure did! Our case was very simple. All we want was to bring a
> group of file(...30 maybe...) which were taged by two diferent tags.
> That's all.
> I just didn't know how to do it in Tortoise (which is the client we use 

I think you are `abusing' tags. It sounds like you add a tag to a file 
when it belongs to a certain group and you don't really care what revision 
of that file it is you have tagged. 
The intent of a tag however is to tag a revisions of files to indicate 
they make up a `release' or prerelease or any other snapshot of the 
application on a given moment. When you want to get a file that's tagged 
that means (in the way CVS is  normally used) that you want to get the 
specific revision that has the tag, even if there is a new revision. 
That's why your question sounded so strange to us and we couldn't answer 
it without a better explenation, if you want to check out 2 tags that 
would mean you would want two versions of the same file in the same place 
at the same time. That's impossible: you can't have two different files 
with the same name in the same location.

An example may explain better what tags are generally used for. When a 
vendor releases a product (for example TortoiseCVS 1.10.1) he knows that 
the chance exists he will later want to know exactly what sources made up 
that release. So the moment he makes the release he tags the sourcetree, 
all current revisions of the files in the sourcetree get an indication 
that they make up tcvs 1.10.1. If in a month time there is a bug in 1.10.1 
he can just check out that tags to verify the bug and if it's there make a 
branch to fix the bug. Without a tag it would be verry hard to determine 
what versions of the files in the sourcetree make up the 1.10.1 release. 
Tags are not intended to indicate that the files that have the tag or part 
of product A, they are intended to indicate that that specific version of 
the file that has the tag is product A version 1.1. 

Kind Regards,

Software quality & Systems: Software Engineer

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