[cvsnt] Error reading from server xx.xx.xx.xxx: 0: No such file or directory

Gaurav Chhabra messagegc at gmail.com
Thu Apr 16 15:02:17 BST 2009


I am facing exactly the same problem, which this guy has stated.

We have CVSNT server running on RHEL ES 4. We also have WinCVS on
WinXP SP3.

When I am trying to connect to the CVSNT server, it gives the following
cvs -z9 -d :pserver:gchhabra at xx.xx.xx.xxx:/usr/local/cvsrep/ login
Logging in to :pserver:gchhabra at xx.xx.xx.xxx:2401:/usr/local/cvsrep/
cvs [login aborted]: Error reading from server xx.xx.xx.xxx: 0: No such file
or directory

***** CVS exited normally with code 1 *****

I searched the CVSNT forum for the same, but to no avail. In some posts, it
was written that it might be due to firewall. I checked the same on my
server and client.

On Windows: netstat -ab
TCP    dcspxxxx:2401 dcspxxxx:0  LISTENING  128

TCP    dcspxxxx:2402 dcspxxxx:0  LISTENING 2000

On RHEL4: netstat -anp | grep 2401
tcp   0    0*    LISTEN    2412/xinetd
Can anyone please guide me on this?


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