[cvsnt] SCC plugin for CVSNT?

Bo Berglund Bo.Berglund at system3r.com
Tue Apr 21 12:51:11 BST 2009

> -----Original Message-----
> So now I wonder if there are some (preferablu OpenSource)
> plug-ins that can
> expose a CVSNT SCC interface into the IDE?
> Previously when we worked with Windows s/w development and
> also with some previous
> embedded systems we always used WinCvs for the developers to
> interface with CVS.
> But since there is some kind of "integration" built into the
> new IDE I am looking
> for something that can connect CVSNT into this.

After some Googling I realized that there is no point in trying
to integrate CVSNT with SCC, really.
One loses too many of the good features of CVSNT to make it worth
the effort. I will make the developers use a separate CVS client
GUI instead (Tortoise or WinCvs).

I guess the only real advantage to having the IDE integration is
that when you create a new file within the IDE it is automatically
also added to source control. This is a thing that has bitten us
several times in the past:
Dev adds file and makes module build OK, then commits and heads
for his holiday trip without also adding and committing the new file
whereupon the module fails to build for all others....


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