[cvsnt] Problem

Orlando A. Calderon Zabala orlandocalderon3 at yahoo.es
Wed Aug 19 13:20:16 BST 2009

1. What I did was install the following rpm: 
- Cvsnt- 
- Cvsnt-database-mysql- 
- Cvsnt-protocol-gserver- 
- Cvsnt-protocol-sserver-

2. within the path / etc / cvsnt rename the file by PServer.example PServer and set it as follows:

# Proxy support:
# Set RepositoryXXType to: 2 (full proxy), or 3 (write proxy)
# Set RepositoryXXRemoteServer to remote server name
# Set RepositoryXXRemoteRepository to remote repository name
# Set RepositoryXXRemotePassphrase to remote passphrase
# Set RepositoryXXProxyPhysicalFiles to a 'local' repository for the proxy server administration files
# Set RepositoryXXProxyPasswdFiles to 1=use passwd file from RepositoryXXProxyPhysicalFiles, 0=use passwd from RepositoryXX

#Repository1Description=My other Repository
# Encryption  0=Don't force encryption,
#             1=Request authentication,
#             2=Request encryption,
#             3=Require authentication,
#             4=Require encryption
# Compression 0=Don't force compression
#             1=Request compression
#             2=Require compression
# CertificateFile  PEM certificate for use with sserver
# PrivateKeyFile   PEM certificate for use with sserver
# ServerPassphrase Passphrase used for server synchronisation
# NoReverseDns     Disable Reverse lookups by the server to help broken
#                  DNS setups.
#                  This causes LockServer to report bare IP addresses.
#                  It is recommended that the DNS is fixed rather thani
#                  using this option.
# LockServer       Default lock server location.  Can be overridden by
#                  LockServer directive in individual repositories.
# LockServerLocal  If enabled lockserver only listens on local machine for
#                  connections (default)

# Compatibility levels - currently:
# 0 = Legacy cvs (cvshome.org cvs, eclipse)
# 1 = cvsnt (cvsnt client, wincvs, tortoisecvs, etc.)
# Compat<n>_OldVersion  Pretend to be a Unix CVS version (1.11.1).  Keeps some
#                       picky frontends happy (eg. Eclipse)
# Compat<n>_HideStatus  Hide extended stats/log information (mergepoints, commit ids, etc.)
# Compat<n>_OldCheckout Implement the old '-n update' behaviour
# Compat<n>_IgnoreWrappers      Ignore and cvswrappers/-W commands generated by the client
# WinbindWrapper   Enable SSPI server functionality by using the winbind
#                  authentication wrapper
#WinbindWrapper=/usr/bin/ntlm_auth --helper-protocol=squid-2.5-ntlmssp
# Chroot           Force all user operations within chroot jail
# RunAsUser        Force running as a specified user rather than the client user
# AllowTrace       Allow a client to trace the server (default off)
# Locale           Override default locale setting for server
# ResponderName   Set Zeroconf publication type..  Default dependent on platform.
# none - No publication
# default - Use platform default
# If different from above uses names of installed mdns helper libraries
# ServerName       Autoconf/mDNS name of server
#                  Defaults to hostname
# ReadOnlyServer   Set entire server as read only
# AllowedClients   Regular expression of client versions allowed to connect
#                  Legacy CVS and CVSNT versions <2.0.58 do not send this data
#AllowedClients=^CVSNT 2\.5\.01.*
# RemoteInitRoot   Allow existing repository administrators to issue remote
#                  'cvs init' commands.  Repositories will be placed in this
#                  directory.
# AnonymousUsername Username that anonymous logins are allowed with, if any.
# AnonymousProtocol Protocol that anonymous logins use.  Defaults to pserver.
# Audit plugin settings
# Enabled when AuditTrigger=1 in the Plugins file
# Database credentials - dbname, username and password
# Note: for oracle the DatabaseName is the name in tnsnames.ora
#       or if you are not running TNS Listener then it is the
#       complete connection string, eg:
# AuditDatabaseHost=(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = w2kora9.march-hare.local)(PORT = 1521))) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = oratst9.marchhare)))
# AuditDatabaseName=
# AuditDatabasePassword=
# AuditDatabaseUsername=
# Database engine
# Taken from installed databases
# AuditDatabaseEngine=
# Database specific environment variables
# AuditDatabase_XXXX
# Example entries
# AuditDatabase_mysql_PREFIX - Table prefix
# AuditDatabase_oracle_SCHEMA - Schema to use
# AuditDatabase_oracle_home - ORACLE_HOME to use (install location)
# AuditDatabase_oracle_TABLESPACE=CVSNT
# See docs. of database
# Audit logging flags
#AuditLogSessions=0     # All server connections/commands
#AuditLogCommits=0      # Log changes due to commits
#AuditLogDiffs=0        # Store diffs in commit log
#AuditLogTags=0         # Log tagging operations
#AuditLogHistory=0      # Log cvs history
# Email plugin settings
# Enabled when EmailTrigger=1 in the plugins file
# Default email domain for unqualified usernames
# SMTP host to send email to
# Use either MailCommand or MailServer, not both.
# Command to execute to send mail, takes mail as its standard input
# Use either MailCommand or MailServer, not both.
# CertificatesOnly   Require a valid client certificate for sserver
# 0 - Require a password only
# 1 - Require a certificate only
# 2 - Require a password and a certificate

3. how can I start the cvsnt service?

 4. at this time as I only firwall iptables, but still below the service does not work.

5. in part set by the port that will be running the CVSNT?

6. The DNS server is operating correctly. 

Orlando Calderón 
Ing. Informático
Tel: 3136261294 

De: Peter Crowther <peter.crowther at melandra.com>
Para: cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Enviado: martes, 18 de agosto, 2009 17:09:07
Asunto: Re: [cvsnt] Problem

2009/8/18 Orlando A. Calderon Zabala <orlandocalderon3 at yahoo.es>:
> connect to yagua.red-udea:2401 failed: Could not connect because the target machine actively refused the connection.

CVS not installed?
CVS not running?
CVS firewalled with a dumb firewall that refuses rather than denying?
CVS port changed?
DNS not resolving to the machine you expect?

If none of the above, you'll need to provide a lot more information...

- Peter
cvsnt mailing list
cvsnt at cvsnt.org

Upgrade to CVS Suite for more features and support: http://march-hare.com/cvsnt/


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