[cvsnt] val-tags Permission denied

Paul Bergin Paul.Bergin at VHI.IE
Wed Feb 25 15:25:30 GMT 2009

I solved the problem. Just in case anyone is wondering what I did. I
just deleted the val_tags file and it seems to be working correctly now

>-----Original Message-----
>From: cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org [mailto:cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org] 
>On Behalf Of Paul Bergin
>Sent: 25 February 2009 10:25
>To: cvsnt at cvsnt.org
>Subject: Re: [cvsnt] val-tags Permission denied
>Any advice?
>I have been able to open an ssh connection and have full 
>access to the val-tags file so it doesn't look like there is a 
>permissions problems.
>I also tried creating a branch on the same machine as the 
>server and also get the permissions error.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org [mailto:cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org] On 
>>Behalf Of Paul Bergin
>>Sent: 24 February 2009 16:20
>>To: cvsnt at cvsnt.org
>>Subject: [cvsnt] val-tags Permission denied
>>I am after installing cvsnt server 2.5.03 (scorpio) Build 
>2382 and I am 
>>having problems with branching.
>>I have created a repository with 3 users, 2 admin and 1 normal user.
>>Using wincvs ( I created a new module from the command prompt 
>>with the following command
>>cvs import -m "Source" MasterRepository abc de
>>This creates the module and imports all files. I can user wincvs to 
>>checkout the module and it works as expected. I then try create a 
>>branch in wincvs, it generates this command.
>>cvs -d :pserver;username=bergin_p;hostname=computer01:/CVSRepository
>>rtag -b -- PRE_PRODUCTION MasterRepository
>>The console writes out
>>"cvs rtag: Tagging ........"
>>For each folder, but the last line writes out
>>cvs [rtag aborted]: cannot write D:/CVSRepository/CVSROOT/val-tags:
>>Permission denied
>>The val-tags file has full read\write access to all users so there 
>>should not be a problem writing to this file.
>>What can I do to resolve this issue?
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