[cvsnt] CVS - Remote Server Error - Need Solution

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Tue Jan 13 20:07:00 GMT 2009

On Tue, 13 Jan 2009 13:14:59 +0530, "Thappeta Rajesh"
<thappeta at TechMahindra.com> wrote:

>I am facing problem while connecting the remote CVSNT Server from my
>desktop using WinCVS client.
>But I am not facing any problems while working (both installed on my
>desktop) locally. 
>I am able to Import, Check out & update the documents.
>I have installed the CVSNT on server.
>Created the Repository under E:/cvs/cvsrepos
>I am using the CVSROOT=:pserver:tr0014661 at

Not a good CVSROOT. You should NEVER put the actual physical path
including drive letters into a CVSROOT string!

>And trying to connect from my desk top, then I am getting the following
>error message.
>Kindly let me know what might be the problem. Waiting for your quick and
>favorable response in this regard.
>Error Msg:
>cvs -d :pserver:tr0014661:@ init 
>cvs [init aborted]: E:/cvs/cvsrepos/: no such repository

You cannot use a pserver or other remote command to create a
repository on a remote computer...
Creating repositories is a task done from the CVSNT Control Panel and
you have to be logged on locally to the server's console or via remote

And read the FAQ to learn what other information you should be
collecting and supplying to support a question like this:


(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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