[cvsnt] Betr.: Re: Betr.: RE: force commit (despite not being a valid editor
Jan Keirse
jan.keirse at tvh.be
Thu Jan 22 08:00:02 GMT 2009
cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org schreef op 21/01/2009 12:20:48:
> Note also the -u option on the unedit command.
> This allows you to unlock files that another used has locked, if they
> are unable to do so.
> I've used this a number of times when people have left the company but
> hadn't unlocked everything before they went.
> It is only available to admins.
I'm aware of this option (and have used it before too) but I wouldn't want
to use it in this case. I want to still be aware that users are editing
the files even though they may end up with a conflict in their sandbox
because I pushed a revision into the repository before they had the chance
to commit their changes.
Kind Regards,
Software quality & Systems: Software Engineer
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