[cvsnt] force commit (despite not being a valid editor

Arthur Barrett arthur.barrett at march-hare.com
Wed Jan 21 19:17:18 GMT 2009


> > I guess I'll have to first do the -k-x trick because we're not using
> > the exclusive locking on purpose, it must have been set by 
> accident. 
> If you're using TortoiseCVS, it may have been set by it. 
> There seems to
> be a discussion and possibly a disagreement about when TCVS should set
> the x flag when adding binary files.

I wouldn't characterise it as a either a discussion or a disagreement -
the fact is that different tools operate different ways because the
options are there.  Options/choice/freedom is a good thing, not a bad

CVSNT (and EVS) allows rules to be maintained centrally, giving an
organisation that uses it more control over its behaviour.  Regardless
of whether a person likes or dislikes the behaviour of TortoiseCVS the
fact is that some other tool will operate differently (Eclipse? WinCVS?)
so if you need to ensure consistency then it needs to be done on the

Needless to say that all other open source version control systems I've
looked at do not provide this ability (eg: SVN, CVS, GIT...).



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