[cvsnt] Using Remove Command
Krooshof, Frederik
Frederik.Krooshof at raet.com
Wed Jan 28 12:44:15 GMT 2009
Hi Neeraja,
When you perform an 'add a.txt' immediately after a 'remove a.txt', the file a.txt is resurrected.
Normally, after 'remove' the deletion of the file has to be confirmed using 'commit'.
After committing a remove, you can create a new a.txt and add this file to CVSNT as any new file.
In stead of performing a remove, you can consider the following actions:
1. make a.txt editable
2. delete a.txt from the sandpit
3. put your new a.txt in place in this sandpit
4. commit this new a.txt
Frederik Krooshof.
Software engineer
T. +31(0)33 4506739 F. +31(0)33 4506482
Postbus 1495, 3800 BL Amersfoort
Plotterweg 38, 3821 BB Amersfoort
Raet. Verder in HR.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org
> [mailto:cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org] On Behalf Of Sanjeev,
> Neeraja (GE Infra, Energy)
> Sent: woensdag 28 januari 2009 12:00
> To: cvsnt at cvsnt.org
> Subject: [cvsnt] Using Remove Command
> Hi,
> I am using CVSNT 2.5.03 version in my application. I have
> used "cvs remove a.txt" command to delete file "a.txt" from
> the repository.
> Later when I tried to add a new file with the same name "cvs
> add a.txt", it is not able to overwrite the older version of a.txt.
> I am getting the older version of the a.txt.
> How to add the a new file with the same name as the removed file?
> Any help will be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Neeraja.
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