[cvsnt] force commit (despite not being a valid editor

Gerhard Fiedler lists at connectionbrazil.com
Fri Jan 30 21:27:54 GMT 2009

Arthur Barrett wrote:

>>> I guess I'll have to first do the -k-x trick because we're not using
>>> the exclusive locking on purpose, it must have been set by
>>> accident. 
>> If you're using TortoiseCVS, it may have been set by it. There seems
>> to be a discussion and possibly a disagreement about when TCVS
>> should set the x flag when adding binary files.
> I wouldn't characterise it as a either a discussion or a disagreement
> - the fact is that different tools operate different ways because the
> options are there.  Options/choice/freedom is a good thing, not a bad
> thing.

I would... that's why I did :)

I meant the TCVS policy settings and their influence on the -kx option.
To some people it seems counterintuitive that TCVS uses the -kx option
on add (forcing "exclusive" edits of the file) even when the TCVS policy
is set to non-exclusive edits.

And this is not something I just made up... I actually /read/ such a
discussion with disagreements in it :)


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