[cvsnt] gserver client errors

Gaspar, Carson Carson.Gaspar at gs.com
Fri Jun 12 20:27:37 BST 2009

When I try and use cvsnt on XP against our cvs repository via gserver, I get:

GSSAPI authentication failed: The buffers supplied to a function was too small.

Any suggestions? I can confirm (via klist) that the cvs service ticket was properly obtained.

I thought I'd try some self-help by rebuilding with some larger buffers in the gss-ad code tree, but it seems that all the build docs are out of date, and there is no way to get the "cvsdeps" that are supposedly required to build cvsnt on windows. (evs.evscm.org and cvs.cvsnt.org both refuse connections to port 2401). All the links to the open source wiki just redirect to the cvspro page :-(


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