[cvsnt] Updating from regular tag marks some dirs with stickybranch tag instead of regular tag

Arthur Barrett arthur.barrett at march-hare.com
Wed May 27 13:03:11 BST 2009


> I have this problem of several directories checked out with 
> sticky type
> T (branch) and other dirs as type N (regular tag), although I am sure
> that the tag I checked-out from was never placed as a branch, 
> but always
> as a tag... 
> Moreover, I've asked one of my colleagues to check out using the same
> command line and types 'T'/'N' appear in different directories than on
> my working copy. 

Can you please do 'cvs status' on the same file in the two sandboxes
that exhibit the problem as described?

> Server: CVSNT 2.5.03 (Scorpio) Build 2382

Note: this version is quite old, 2.5.04 is the current stable and we are
currently testing 2.5.05.


Arthur Barrett

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