[cvsnt] Updating from regular tag marks some dirs with stickybranch tag instead of regular tag

Arthur Barrett arthur.barrett at march-hare.com
Fri May 29 00:41:02 BST 2009


> cvs -w update -P -d -r bld_1

I'm pretty sure that should be:
 cvs -w update -A -P -d -r bld_1

But I tested your combination on my mac (10.5) and it seems OK:

cvs -w -d :pserver:localhost:/myrepo import -I ! -I CVS -m test -n -- sticky_tag_example
cd ..
cvs -w -d :pserver:localhost:/myrepo checkout -P -- sticky_tag_example
cd sticky_tag_example 
cvs -w tag -- bld_1
cvs -w update -P -d -r bld_1

acAir:sticky_tag_example abarrett$ cvs ci -m test
cvs commit: Examining .
cvs commit: Examining first
cvs commit: Examining nowarning
cvs commit: Examining second
cvsnt server: sticky tag `bld_1' for file `GINHEADPRT-AMITAL.XML' is not a branch
cvsnt server: sticky tag `bld_1' for file `second/GDWUMAPEVN.XML.FIX' is not a branch
cvsnt [server aborted]: correct above errors first!
MacAir:sticky_tag_example abarrett$ cvs ver
Client: Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.5.04 (Zen) Build 3125 (RC 8) (client/server)
Server: Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.5.04 (Zen) Build 3125 (RC 8) (client/server)

If you can reproduce it on 2.5.04 or 2.5.05 then I'll look at it again, but for now it looks like either anti-virus messing up the update to the CVS/Tag file or a very very old bug that's been fixed for years.



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