[cvsnt] Workaround for 260 char limitation?

pdfeeny at aep.com pdfeeny at aep.com
Thu Nov 5 15:38:14 GMT 2009

cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org wrote on 11/05/2009 10:28:36 AM:

> Hi!
> Is there a workaround to avoid
> when trying to "cvs update" a project that has path-names longer than 
> chars?

Nope.  This is due to Microsoft's implementation of the NTFS filesystem 
(remember how we'd never need more than 640K of memory?)and is built into
the filesystem (Microsoft's limit is actually 254 character from drive 
designator to last character of file extension). 

You don't mention your server/client setup as that would determine the 
to your environment.

Paul Feeny

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