Arthur Barrett arthur.barrett at march-hare.com
Sun Oct 25 23:57:39 GMT 2009


> I understand that in the server machine, I should install 
> "CVSNT Server" (which is different from "CVSNT", right?), and 
> in the clients, I should install "CVSNT" and "WinCVS" (the 
> "WinCVS" installer which is not "bare" include CVSNT). Is 
> this correct? 


Or you can install the "CVSNT Combined Client Installer" and it will
install WinCVS (difficult to use, but powerful), TortoiseCVS (easy to
use explorer plugin) and a 'no cost' copy of CVS Suite Studio
(traditional version control type program like VSS or PVCS).  All the
downloads server/combined client etc are here:

> I tried this, and used the CVSNT Server to 
> create a repository in the server, but I cant get the clients 
> machines to import any project into the repository...
> What am I doing wrong?

No idea - you'd need to tell us the exact versions and error message and
all the other information listed in the FAQ:


Arthur Barrett

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