This article show a couple of procedures used to Search and Replace into a Uniface field/variable. All the information has been extracted from the news-groups.
Has anyone come across the need for a Search & Replace function in a string variable/field, similar to the Replace function in VB6 ?
entry lpm_
string pio_source : inout
string pi_repchar : in
string pi_newchar : in
scan pio_source, pi_repchar
if ($result = 0) break
$1 = $result - 1
$2 = $result + 1
pio_source = "%%pio_source[1,$1]%%pi_newchar%%pio_source[$2]"
return 0
end; lpm
I usually use this to replace <gold> semicolons ( ; ) with <gold> ors ( | ), but
pi_repchar and pi_newchar could be anything strings you want.
There is some functionality in Uniface:
Search & replace in a Unifield as Userinput : See my undocumented features at
To find a 'HG' in $1 = "ABCHGDBHG" You use:
scan $1,"HG"
The result is in $result.
You can use :
$3 = $result -1
$4 = $result + 2
$2 = "%%$1[1,$3]%%%REPLACEMENT%%$1[$4]%%%"
The string in $2 is now "ABCREPLACEMENTDBHG"
(The use of global variables $1..$99 can be replaced by local variables since Uniface 7 but I used it here to makes things more clear)
Regards and have fun,
Franklin M Nurmohamed
Senior Uniface Designer
SVA Virginia IT Services, The Netherlands
The way to do this is with a global proc. Here is a copy of the one I created earlier this year:
; Author: Tony Marston
; Date: 20-06-99
; Current Version: 1.0.0
; Description: Examine STRING replacing all occurrences of old_text with new_text
; Input Parameters: STRING - string containing old_text ; p_old_text - to be replaced with new_text
; p_new_text - replacement for old_text
; Output Parameters: STRING
; examine STRING replacing "X" with "Y"
string p_string_in : INOUT
string p_old_text : IN
string p_new_text : IN
string lv_input_area, lv_hold, lv_output_area
numeric lv_old_text_len
lv_input_area = p_string_in ; move to work area
length p_old_text
lv_old_text_len = $result ; store length of old text
while (lv_input_area != "") ; repeat until empty
scan lv_input_area, p_old_text ; look for old_text
if ($result < 1) ; not found
lv_hold = lv_input_area ; use whole string
lv_input_area = "" ; nothing left
else ; found
$result = $result -1 ; backspace over old text
lv_hold = lv_input_area[1:$result] ; extract pre-old text
lv_hold = "%%lv_hold%%p_new_text" ; append new text
$result = $result + lv_old_text_len ; add length of old text
$result = $result +1 ; skip over old text
lv_input_area = lv_input_area[$result] ; drop pre-old text
lv_output_area = "%%lv_output_area%%lv_hold"
p_string_in = lv_output_area ; replace with adjusted string
Hope this helps.
Tony Marston