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The following is an intend to be an original Uniface Hints & Tips & Tricks, remember that this is a section for you !
So feel free to send us any tip or workaround that you know and you want to share with the rest of Uniface community.

Name Description Author Version/Environment
RichEditBox (Undo/Redo)New !

Also, how about adding findreplace and undo/redo to your forms? Perhaps people do not realise that the richedit widget can be used instead of the standard editbox. This is very useful for certain types of fields such as comments and notes.

1. Change your ini file to add RichEditBox=ueditbox(font=editfont;autoselect=on)
2. Use these on your forms!
3. Change your (deployed) ini file to read RichEditBox=urichedit(font=monomedium;procbox=off

You can now use macro "^FINDREPLACE", macro "^FIELDUNDO", macro "^FIELDREDO".
There is a lot more you can do with this widget too by activating certain operations:

Uniface 7 & 8
Mapi Demo The purpose of this document is to explain the MAPI interface developed for use with Uniface. MAPI stands for Mail Application Programming Interface and is supported by virtually all Windows Messaging systems like Outlook and Outlook Express. It can also be used with Lotus cc:Mail. From Seven/Windows Platforms
Logic Encryp The purpose of this document is to explain the use of the newly developed encryption software within Logic. The DLL supports 5 operations, that allow text to be encoded and decoded, files to be encoded and decoded and finally an operation that compares a value entered by the user, with an encrypted block of text and an encryption key. From Seven/Windows Platforms
Processing FORMPIC It is possible to read and update the structure of a form in Uniface proc code without resorting to 3gl. The positions and sizes of widgets on a form are stored in the Uniface table UFORM, in the FORMPIC field. The FORMPIC field contains embedded hex 1A characters that cannot normally be directly manipulated in Uniface proc code. 7.2.04/Windows NT
User Defined Database Drivers The code provided implements a very simple Uniface database driver. It is based on the information in the Uniface DBMS Driver Cookbook and some experimentation. Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0/Uniface 7.2.04/Windows NT
Windows Hook Procedures Every window, including the main Uniface window has a window procedure. This runs constantly in the background and handles windows “messages” that are continually being sent to that window, for example in response to typing on the keyboard and mouse movement. Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0/Uniface 7.2.04/Windows NT

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