Uniface Underground -> Undocumented.Features.Only. |
Name | condition
Return the result of evaluating a conditional expression. |
Synopsis | condition(Expression[,list]) |
Use | Allowed in form, service, and report components. |
Description | You can use a second (and optional) parameter a
associative list (id=value) that condition
should use to evaluate the expression as variables and values.
Tested in 7.2.03
Example | amount = 1500
limits = "MIN=$number(1000);MAX=$number(2000)" ; limits of amout in a list exp = "amount > MIN & amount < MAX" ; exp is a string with the expression if (condition(exp, limits)) message "The amount is correct" else message "Not between limits" endif |
Note | The evaluation of condition is done using (by default)
string types and this can have some problems :
limits = "MIN=1000;MAX=2000" $1 = condition("20 < MIN",limits) In this case $1 is FALSE (0), because the condition evaluates the string "20" less than the string "1000" (ASCII values). In order to solve this you must assing the type to the value of the items as : limits = "MIN=$number(1000);MAX=$number(2000)"
This works fine!!! The $typed fuctions are :