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Name sound
play a sound file
Synopsis sound [/] [option] [soundfile]

[option] := play | loop | stop [soundfile] := [filename] | @[filename]

Use Allowed in form components on UNIFACE 8 onwards
Description The sound statement allows you to play a sound file, the sound file itself can only be a wave file. In most cases the file name has the extension WAV.
Option Description
play plays the wave file
loop play the wave file and replays it until the sound/stop is issued.
stop stop the playing of the current file

Tested in 8.2.01. Do not work on Uniface 7.2.6

Sound directory:

The sound directory specifies where the sound files are located. It is not recomended to use hard coded path information in proc.

The sound directory can be specified in the usys.ini paths section



For instance:

sound/play "c:\winnt\media\tada.wav"

or sound/play "tada" if we have a default sound directory.

Note that when a sound file cannot be found Windows itself does a retry on the media folder.

Example sound/play "c:\winnt\media\tada.wav"

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