UNIFACE 8.1.01 - Three Tier
In Three Steps
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Note: The term Business Object Model is named 'Application Model'
in the UNIFACE Beta release.
- Three Tier in Three Steps is not yet properly supported in the UNIFACE beta
release. It is recommended to have a look at a generated application in the
the exercises (see the index), but not yet trying the generation steps
- All entity names in your Business Object Model must have unique names on the first 13 characters. UNIFACE does not
check, nor warn against this.
The fastest way of realizing a working three tier application, is to perform
the following steps [UNIFACE beta: not yet - rather see the exercises in the
Define an Business Object Model
Either by Load Definitions, or by importing & migrating a UNIFACE 7 application
model, or by creating a model in the UNIFACE development environment.
Generate the Three Tier Application
Goto the 'Define Business Object Model' form and select Edit -> Generate
3 Tier Application [UNIFACE beta: the default for SSV subtype's Data Access
is set to Entity Service. Consider setting this default to 'DBMS' for developing
purposes - see also the excercises in the index]. See the document 'Details
On How To Develop a Three Tier Application' on what exactly is generated in
this step.
Test the Application.
The application contains the following executable components:
- for each entity in the Business Object Model, there is a form named
entityAbbreviationFRM. The form contains the entity FRM subtype as
the 'outer' entity, plus inner FRM subtypes for 'up' and 'down' relationships.
These are duplicated as a default from the session service as listed below.
The form can communicate stateless with the session service as listed below.
- for each entity in the Business Object Model, there is a server page
named entityAbbreviationUSP. The server page contains the entity USP
subtype as the 'outer' entity, plus inner USP subtypes for 'up' and 'down'
relationships. The server page supports three default behaviors: clear(),
load() and save(). The server page communicates stateless with the following
session service:
- for each entity in the Business Object Model, there is a session service
named entityAbbreviationSSV. Its structure is similar to the server
page, but it contains SSV subtypes i.s.o. USP subtypes. Each SSV subtype can
communicate with the following entity services:
- for each entity in the Business Object Model, there is an entity service.
It contains one entity: the entity's ESV subtype.
The source code of the generator is shipped with UNIFACE. All generation steps
as listed can be customized by yourself. DISCLAIMER: the source code
of the generator software is unsupported. This includes any changes you make
yourself. Impact at your customizations by differences in subsequent releases
of the generator software are also unsupported.