UNIFACE 8.1.01 $instanceHandle

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Return the handle of the requested instance.




Allowed in all component types.


The function $instancehandle returns the handle of the requested instance.

If the InstName argument is provided, it must be one of the following:

If the InstName argument is omitted, the current instance is used.

Return value

The function $instancehandle returns the handle of the instance with a name InstName.

An null handle is returned if an error occurred or in the following circumstances:

If an error occurs during the evaluation of this function, the function $procerror contains a negative value that identifies the exact error. Values of $procerror commonly returned by this function are:



The named instance cannot be found in the component pool.



An incorrect field name was provided; either the field name is not valid syntactically or the field is not available in the component.



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