Wish List for Uniface 9 (to be released late 2005) Go Home


Help us to build a open wish list for upcoming Uniface versions !

Our plan is to have a wish list in order to submit it to the Uniface labs. Please submit your Uniface wishes to $PUUU.ORG.

Wish # Section Description Requested by (Name/Email) Date
1 Several Very interesting wishes to be consired. Loot at them. Click here ! Updated on July 2003 with some remarks from Ulrich Merkel. Alex LEGUEVAQUES 04-04-2003



Size of Forms in the development (IDF)
The size of most of the IDF forms are unchanged since version 6. But today in the development we think that no one still works with a resolution ot 800x600. Forms like "Define Entity" and "Define Field" only show 6 occurences in the list. Also IDF should make better use of tab-widgets instead of buttons to move to other forms. Ex. Form "Define Entity" should show occuernces for Keys, Reletionships etc. as tab-widgets.





A functions is needed, that shows the total number of pages of a report at beginning of printing so that the pagenumber and the total of pages can be printed on the first page.

Thomas.knuesel@abf.ch 22-04-2003


Position and size of widgets on forms at runtime

It should be possibel to move a widget to another position at runtime. It should also be possible to change the size of a widget (ex. editbox)
at runtime. In general: more dynamic properties for the widgets are needed.
Thomas.knuesel@abf.ch 22-04-2003


Pixel orientated painting on forms

There should be an option when drawing a form to use pixel orientation instead of character cells.
Thomas.knuesel@abf.ch 22-04-2003


Enrichment of the entity-level grid widget

More than just the editbox widget should be supportet. At least the widgets Commandbutton, Checkbox, Dropdownlist, Combobox, Listbox,
Radiogroup, Spinbutton sould be allowed inside the grid type entity.

- It should be possible to change the position of a column at runtime
by "click an hold" on the label at the top of the column and drag the column to the left or right.
- The order of the widgets in the grid should be changeable at runtime either by a statement or by setting a valrep-list that defines the fields an the sequence of the fields in the grid.
- The grid sould support sorting the list by a cklick on the label at the top of the grid.
- Stepped hitlist should be supported by the grid.

Thomas.knuesel@abf.ch 22-04-2003


Other Entity-Level widgets

Like the entity-level widget grid, there sould be an entity level-widget for bar, line and pie charts.
Thomas.knuesel@abf.ch 22-04-2003


More sophisticated proc editor

There should be a better support in the proc editor like it can be seen on other tools.
Thomas.knuesel@abf.ch 22-04-2003
9 Deployment Deploy applications in clients linux (RedHat or United Linux) using KDE or Gnome.
marcelo.galvao@ig.com.br 05-06-2003
What the customer wants What the current functionality (this helps us understand, and often there
are alternative, better ways to achieve what is needed.)

Why they want it (this helps us understand, and often there are
alternative, better ways to achieve what is needed.)
See relations between;
field and used label,
field and used field representation (label),
component and used title label,
include id and used entity, and trigger abbreviation
proposal make UNIFACE element id's longer proposal 64 characters (operation id's, label id's).
The relations between several repository elemenent is solved in many types of naming conventions.
The current label Id length is max 16 characters, Components 16, Entities 32
characters, and Fields 32
The customer want to related the used label with the used element, or associate an label with a combination of the used elements (entity and field).
The current solution abbreviate entity, field, etc (see building blocks naming conventions)
To avoid abbreviations, and not understandable naming conventions, support longer ids
Uniface XML Import/Export conform the W3C standard. Uniface XML uses in attributes reserved characters ({}@ etc). This conflict with the W3C standards.
I am writing a bridge to Uniface, and like to roundtrip. SAXON can't handle these special characters.
Strict separation between load xml, validation xml using dtd / xml-schemas, and the transformation to the internal structure Current the dtd is also used for transformation to the internal structure Handling B2B xml streams, recieving the stream as is in the component, validate te stream against his dtd or xml-schema and transform the stream to the internal structure. In The current situation we transform outsite Uniface using saxon the xml stream to Uniface internal format.
Dino Seelig, Architect, ITIS Informatisering seelig@itis.nl 21-07-2003
11 Deployment

I need an enhancement to the existing export function that allows me to specify a particular application object by naming it> as a command line
argument. I'd be happy with a new modifier to /exp, perhaps something like /obj="ObjectType=ObjectName" where ObjectType must be one of approximately 20 documented values (COMPONENT, GLOBAL_PROC, INCLUDE_PROC, etc.) and ObjectName is the name of the desired application object. For example, I would want to be able to export a form component named AP_IEFTP using a command line syntax something like this: idf /bat /exp /obj="COMPONENT=AP_IEFTP" XML:COM_AP_IEFTP.XML

Mark Youngs. mayoungs@ucdavis.edu
12 Development Dynamic widgettypes. By this I mean that I can define the widget type in proc. I need a field that can be an editbox or a drop-down-list box. Now I have to use a combo-box but that needs a whole lot of programming to get the result that I need.

Simone Ketting.


Wed, 24 Mar 2004
13 Deployment A working /exp command line switch and better documentation for it (including examples on how to use it with frm and messages.

Frank Machiels


14 Development

I would like to add to the wish list a function that is the same as tometa since tometa is not supported and may be dropped.

I would also like a function toascii that is the exact reverse of tometa i.e. you have the chanter and you want the Ascii value.
We needed this for our bar coding because we needed to generate a checksum so we needed the ascii representation of the character so we could do some arithmetic. We had another case where we were including a character as part of an id i.e. A0 - A9 and then we wanted to increment to the next character i.e B0 - B9 etc. We used a routine (since no function exists) to get the ascii of the first character and then incremented by 1 and converted back to a character using tometa when reached the 9.

15 Development $storetype and $dbocc

There is an unsuitable behavior of $storetype and $dbocc functions. $storetype returns 0 in $status if the occurrence will be update in the database and 1 if the occurrence will be inserted.

$dbocc return positive value if the occurrence will be update in the database and 0 if the occurrence will be inserted. Now assumed that I have a new record that should be inserted. If the store trigger failed, I expect that after the rollback the original value will be assign to these two flags, but it does not happens.

Lets look on this piece of code: ;trigger store store "ent" ; $storetype = 1 ; $dbocc = 0 ;trigger write from ent
write ;back to store trigger. now $storetype = 0 ; $dbocc 0
if ($status < 0)
rollback ; now I expect $storetype will return to 1 and $dbocc to 0, but it does not happend.

Baruch - velahsrab@yahoo.com 18 July 05

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