Xlink File

The UD6/Cmtool driver can place XML LINKS in the Uniface source code, to link externally modified entities with their Concpetual counterparts, eg: UXGROUP to UCGROUP.. This file specifies the relationships to be used.

Here is an example:




Each line specifies the following separated by a single colon ":":
* A base table name for the "many" end of a 1-n relationship
* The fields that make up the foreign key
* A base table name for the "one" end of a 1-n relationship
* The fields that match the foreign key
* The link description / tag name
* The fields that make up the name of the file referred to by the "many" end of the relationship
* not used - actual primary key fields
* not used - fields that are redefined
* Filename or parent entity

$Revision: 1.11 $ $Date: 2011/02/28 02:56:33 $[go to top]