-    UPGRADING TO UD6/CMtool DRIVER 3.1 (    

How to upgrade and configure UD6/CMtool Driver

This guide is for customers who currently use UD6 with Uniface, who are upgrading to UD6 3.1 (, and keeping the current version of Uniface, or only making a minor change, eg: Uniface 10.3.01 to 10.3.02, or Uniface 9.6.01 to 9.7.05.

If you are upgrading major Uniface versions, eg: Uniface NINE to 10, or Uniface 9.7.05 to 10.3.01, then please refer to the correct guide: Uniface NINE to 10 Upgrade or Uniface EIGHT to NINE Upgrade.

If you are new to UD6, and this is your first UD6 install, use the Installing UD6/CMtool Driver guide instead.

Step 1

You should first become familiar with the new features of UD6 and the upgrade path that is best for you. eg: will you upgrade the UD6 XML file format and use the new recommended settings or keep your current settings and the 'old' format? If you are upgrading the file format, will you export your current repository before or after the upgrade of UD6?

Installing new UD6 DLL's will overwrite the existing configuration files, eg: joins, renamedirs, ofields, binary. If you have modified any of these, backup your changes before install, then merge in your changes after. Many customer modify the directory paths in joins - this is an easy change to re-apply to the new joins file. A few customers have modified the default clustering in joins - this change can be re-applied to the new joins file.

Step 2

Run the UD6 installer executable, and when prompted for an installation directory choose the directory where you have Uniface installed (eg: E:\Uniface_10-3-02\common\ or C:\Uniface\u9601\common\ or C:\usys7206\). The installer will prompt you for which Uniface version you are using, and the correct UD6 DLL will be installed for that version only. If you do not see your version of Uniface listed, you will need to get a new installer from march-hare.com customer downloads or contact the support team.

During install you will be prompted for which version of Uniface to install:

ADVANCED/EXPERT STEP: You may need to use this advanced procedure if you have several different versions of Uniface in use on the same PC, or you have several PC's to install it on. Run the UD6 installer executable, and when prompted for an installation directory choose a name of a temporary directory which includes the version of Uniface and UD6 in the name, eg: C:\ud6_2105_1234_u9705\. ZIP up the directory and then uninstall UD6. You can now unzip the files either to your Uniface directory (eg: E:\Uniface_10-3-02\common\ or C:\Uniface\u9601\common\ or C:\usys7206\) or another location on your PC C:\ud6\, a shared drive or a different PC. Repeat this for each version of Uniface you need a driver for. The UD6 version installed for one version of Uniface will not usually work for a different version of Uniface.

You can check which version of Uniface a DLL is compiled for by checking the file properties of the DLL:

The 'release notes' have been installed with the updated DLL's in release.txt.

Step 3 If you installed UD6 into a different directory to idf.exe, then you may need to copy some extra DLL's.

this step is NOT required for Uniface 10.3.03 or later.

UD6 requires the OpenSSL library, as does Uniface itself. However for 'older' versions of Uniface, the OpenSSL library is too old to use. Therefore UD6 includes a newer version of the library that older Uniface installs can use, however you must either copy this DLL to the same directory as the idf.exe (the Uniface 'bin' directory) or ensure it is on the PATH.

  • libssl-1_1_vc140-x32.dll
  • libcrypto-1_1_vc140-x32.dll

Step 4 If the installation location of the UD6 DLL files has changed, alter the [USER_3GL] section in the usyscom:adm\dbms.asn file, eg:
; assuming the install directory is E:\Uniface_10-3-02\common\
Step 5

If you are currently using UD6 2.1 and your 'new' driver is also UD6 2.1, then there are no changes needed in this step - skip this step.

If you are currently using UD6 1.3 and your 'new' driver is UD6 2.1, or you are currently using UD6 2.1 and the new driver is UD6 3.1 (but not then you must execute this step.

Alter the USYS$UD6_PARAMS in your ASN file as described in the ASN Settings for Upgrading guide and the What's new in UD6 3.1 ( guide.

Confused? There are two methods to upgrade UD6:

  • Method 1: keep your current XML file format
  • Method 2: upgrade to the new XML file format
Both methods require that you change your settings. Because each 'major' upgrade to UD6 has new 'default settings' to enable the latest features and maintain compatibility with standards - if you want to maintain compatibility with your old XML file format you need to upgrade your driver setings in the ASN.

Method 2 will require that you export your source code, delete the source code, then import the source code. You may decide you want to use method 1 initially, then perform method 2 later. Remember if you are exporting your source code to first set

USYS$UD6_PARAMS=performance 239, etc etc

Step 6

Remember to ensure you have merged any changes to your original UD6 configuration files like joins before testing.

A good way to test an upgrade is to simply open the IDF. A more comprehensive test is to perform a global compile, eg: idf/all.

$Revision: 1.3 $ $Date: 2024/04/07 10:52:47 $[go to top]