[Cvsnt] Unable to remove binary file in certain branches

Todd C. Parnell tparnell at keynets.com
Tue Mar 5 23:18:43 GMT 2002

I'm working in a branch 'B403', trying to remove files with the -kb flag
set.  If I try to 'cvs remove -f file*; cvs commit -m ""', the commit
hangs.  Here is some sample interaction showing the problem.  Notice the
mysterious 'B4 3' for the register command (file1 is marked as binary,
file2 is not).  I am running rc2 (Build 55), though the error was
also present for Build 45.

Can anyone confirm this is a bug?  Is there a workaround?



$ cvs -t rm -f file*
cvs remove: notice: main loop with CVSROOT=:pserver:xxx at xxx.xxx.com:D:\cvsroot
S-> server_register(file1, -1.1, , -kb, B4 3, , )
S-> Register(file1, -1.1, , -kb, B4 3 )
cvs server: scheduling `file1' for removal
  -> Register(file1, -1.1, dummy timestamp, -kb, B4 3 )
S-> server_register(file2, -1.1, , , B403, , )
S-> Register(file2, -1.1, , , B403 )
cvs server: scheduling `file2' for removal
  -> Register(file2, -1.1, dummy timestamp, , B403 )
S-> rename(CVS/Entries.Backup,CVS/Entries)
S-> unlink(CVS/Entries.Log)
cvs server: use 'cvs commit' to remove these files permanently
  -> rename(CVS/Entries.Backup,CVS/Entries)
  -> unlink(CVS/Entries.Log)

$ cvs -t commit -m ""
cvs commit: notice: main loop with CVSROOT=:pserver:xxx at xxx.xxx.com:D:\cvsroot
cvs commit: Examining .
cvs [commit aborted]: received interrupt signal

Todd C. Parnell
Turnkey Networks, Inc.

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