[cvsnt] Unicode and Linux pam authentication

Andre Schoorl aschoorl at infowave.com
Fri Apr 18 00:11:39 BST 2003

I'm looking for both of the following for a Linux CVS server using :pserver: authentication:
1. cvsnt style Unicode support (i.e., `-ku' command line option)
2. Linux PAM authentication (this is available as a patch to vanilla CVS).  This allows the use of Windows NTLM credentials.
Unfortunately, vanilla CVS from cvshome.org does not support (1) and cvsnt does not support (2).  Currently, I am using cvs-1.11.5 with a patch for (2).
Does anyone know a way I can have the best of both worlds?
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André Schoorl, M.A.Sc. 
Software Engineer
E: aschoorl at infowave.com 
T: 604 473 3680 
F: 604 473 3699 

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