[cvsnt] Checkout Error using NT and a network drive as local folder

Jan Schönherr j.schoenherr at mvs-ag.de
Wed Feb 26 17:19:48 GMT 2003

Hi there...

Doing a 'checkout' with cvsnt under WindowsNT with a network drive
as current working directory gives the following error:

[checkout aborted] Cannot rename CVS/Enties.extra to CVS/Entries.extra
(invalid argument)

(No problem with Win2K.)

I have taken a look into the source-code an I think I have found the bug.
I cannot compile the sources to verify my solution.

in    cvsnt/src/entries.c    line    159 it says:

 entexfilename= CVSADM_ENTEXT;

and later in line 200:

 rename_file (entexfilename, CVSADM_ENTEXT);

To be in sync with the similiar Lines for the CVS/Entries file, line 159
must be changed to

 entexfilename= CVSADM_ENTEXTBAK;

(I am still wondering, why this works on local disks?!)

It would be great if someone could fix this, compile cvsnt and send me the
result :-)


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