[cvsnt] Re: Merge-Problem: nonmergeable file needs merge

Johannes Kilian Jo.Kilian at gmx.de
Fri Sep 12 06:34:54 BST 2003

I asked the following question a few days ago on the mailiing list for cvsnt
and infocvs:

>Hi there,
>during a merge (from branch to HEAD) I got the following error message
>(concerns a lot of files):
>cvs server: PositionOffset.xml: permission mismatch between 1.1 and
>cvs server: nonmergeable file needs merge
>cvs server: revision from repository is now in
>cvs server: file from working directory is now in .#PositionOffset.xml.1.1
>C config/scan/PositionOffset.xml
>Where does this message come from? My first thought was: the original file
>was write-protected before merge - but this wasn't true (In a second
>merge-attempt I recursively removed all write-protection flags before
>but the effect was the same)
>Perhaps it might have to do with some cvs edit/ cvs unedit actions I
>performed with CVS on the files.
>Any idea when this message occurs - and what to do to avoid it?

I got the following answer on infoCVS from Larry Jones: 

>This indicates that you have enabled the notoriously buggy
> PreservePermissions code.  Since that has been disabled in recent
>releases of CVS, you must either be using a very old release of CVS or
>you have gone out of your way to enable it.  I strongly suggest
>upgrading to the current release of CVS or at least disabling it in your
>CVSROOT/config file.  When PreservePermissions is enabled, CVS stores
>the permissions along with each revision.  In this case, it is telling
>you that revision had different permissions than revision 1.1.

Is this buggy "PreservePermissions code" still enabled in  CVSNT?  - since
I'm using CVSNT  (Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.0.9 (client/server)) .
How do I disable PreservePermissions in the CVSRoot/config? (I've found  no
entry in my CVSROOT/config concerning this ...)



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