[cvsnt] Basic basic help needed

Chris Stromberger cstrom16 at comcast.net
Sun Sep 14 23:05:14 BST 2003

I cannot figure out how to set up remote access for cvsnt.  I have it
installed on XP.  I can use it locally by setting
cvsroot=f:\cvs\repository\etc.  But when I try something like 

set cvsroot=:pserver:cvs@<my ip>:\etc 

I keep getting

cvs [login aborted]: Error reading from server <my ip>: -1: No such file
or directory

I am lost re how to get remote access working.  I don't understand all
the options (pserver, sspi, etc).  Can anyone explain in very simple
terms how to set something basic up.  I just need this to work for one
remote user--me.  The documentation hasn't helped me yet.

Thanks for any clues.


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