[cvsnt] Basic basic help needed

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Sun Sep 14 23:34:06 BST 2003

On Sun, 14 Sep 2003 17:05:14 -0500, "Chris Stromberger"
<cstrom16 at comcast.net> wrote:

>I cannot figure out how to set up remote access for cvsnt.  I have it
>installed on XP.  I can use it locally by setting
>cvsroot=f:\cvs\repository\etc.  But when I try something like 
>set cvsroot=:pserver:cvs@<my ip>:\etc 
>I keep getting
>cvs [login aborted]: Error reading from server <my ip>: -1: No such file
>or directory
>I am lost re how to get remote access working.  I don't understand all
>the options (pserver, sspi, etc).  Can anyone explain in very simple
>terms how to set something basic up.  I just need this to work for one
>remote user--me.  The documentation hasn't helped me yet.
>Thanks for any clues.

It all depends on what you mean by "remote"...
How remote do you want it to be?
If it is sufficient to reach the server from another Windows XP
computer on your local network then you should use the SSPI protocol.
There is nothing else you need to do than this:

(Example session from another XP machine on the same network:)
set CVSROOT=:sspi:<yourservername or IP>:<repository>
cvs ls

This should list the existing repositories on the server.

If you are not on a domain and you need a login to authenticate then
change to:
set CVSROOT=:sspi:<a user>@<yourservername>:<repository>
cvs login
<give the password for user on the cvs server>
cvs ls

Note that the login is only required once per login user on a given PC
for a given repository.

Once you have established a connection you can start using CVS.
Tip: If you have not yet done so then get WinCvs latest release (don't
use 1.2 it is *really* old) and use that as a GUI to the cvs

If you want to use repository specifiers like \etc then you must set
up a "repository prefix" in the CVSNT server Control Panel to supply
the remaining path to CVS. And you should not use backslashes when
specifying the root, it should read /etc instead (if your prefix is
set to f:\cvs\repository).

By the way, it is not a good idea to use the name CVS as a folder name
in the repository structure. CVS is sort of a "reserved" word for CVS
and is used automatically by CVS in keeping track of checked out data.
Having such a folder name is asking for confusion. You should also not
use a folder by the name CVSROOT, it is also a reserved word for CVS.
There is always a CVSROOT folder created when a repository is
initialized to hold the administrative files. So you should not
yourself create any such folder.

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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