[cvsnt] Re: Potential problems with AV

Mark Roddy markr at hollistech.com
Mon Apr 5 13:13:55 BST 2004

"me" <ehrhart at free.fr> wrote in message
news:c4r70f$n2n$1 at paris.nodomain.org...
> Hi,
> I'm a newbie with CVSNT. I plan to use it with TortoiseCVS for the clients
> and perhaps one or two WinCVS.
> I can see some problems with AV software, but I cannot decently remove the
> AV. I agree with the fact that AV is often heavy chains, but ....
> We have network Sophos AV, and Panda clients (and others AVG grisoft), no
> Norton, thanks .... What problems must I attend to, particularly for a
> repository.
> I evaluate a little M$ SourceSafe, but I don't agree with the $ and the
> locks.

I have F-prot running on my repository server and have had no problems at
all. The only potential problem I could see would be the AV scanner
detecting and correcting/deleting an infected file in the repository. Be
religious with backups and you should be able to correct any AV-induced
corruption, although you might lose a submission or two. If your AV stuff is
correctly setup and maintained, and your firewall protection is adequate,
and your users are not idiots (which I admit is a lot of ifs) viruses ought
not to be getting into the repository to begin with.


Mark Roddy
Windows 2003/XP/2000 Consulting
Hollis Technology Solutions 603-321-1032
markr at hollistech.com

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