[cvsnt] Re: Modules in cvsnt

Tony Hoyle tmh at nodomain.org
Wed Apr 14 14:59:16 BST 2004

On Wed, 14 Apr 2004 15:48:42 +0200, Oliver Giesen <ogware at gmx.net>

>Judging by all the mentions of modules2 that flew by during the last few
>days in support.cvsnt-commits it looked like Tony has actually done just
>this. I was suspecting that this was the "dormant testing feature" that
>he alluded to in the 2.0.38 announcement but so far I haven't been able
>to activate it...

That handles moving directories around and defining modules ,etc.
(much better than the old modules system, too) but I haven't hooked it
in at the file level yet as I'm a bit worried about the speed hit if I
did that - I'll have to do something like it eventually though as it's
the basis for file/directory renames.

At the moment it's like:

Common = Common/Utils
Source = Common/Source
Bin  = Common/Bin

However it'd be nice to have:

Common = Common/Utils [*.txt, foo.cpp, foo.h]
Source = Common/Source
Bin = Common/Bin

.. or something like that.  


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