[cvsnt] Re: Modules in cvsnt

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Wed Apr 14 21:25:44 BST 2004

On Wed, 14 Apr 2004 14:59:16 +0100, Tony Hoyle <tmh at nodomain.org>

>>Judging by all the mentions of modules2 that flew by during the last few
>>days in support.cvsnt-commits it looked like Tony has actually done just
>>this. I was suspecting that this was the "dormant testing feature" that
>>he alluded to in the 2.0.38 announcement but so far I haven't been able
>>to activate it...
>That handles moving directories around and defining modules ,etc.
>(much better than the old modules system, too) but I haven't hooked it
>in at the file level yet as I'm a bit worried about the speed hit if I
>did that - I'll have to do something like it eventually though as it's
>the basis for file/directory renames.
>At the moment it's like:
>Common = Common/Utils
>Source = Common/Source
>Bin  = Common/Bin
>However it'd be nice to have:
>Common = Common/Utils [*.txt, foo.cpp, foo.h]
>Source = Common/Source
>Bin = Common/Bin
>.. or something like that.  

Does this mean that I can use a file named 'modules2' to handle my
modules like this? Is the procedure to create a file named modules2
and then add it to CVSROOT and commit?
What will happen if there are both modules and modules2 in CVSROOT,
will they both be evaluated?

Or is the new syntax available inside the old modules file (I guess

I have updated my server yesterday with the new release, is that
feature available here?

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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