[cvsnt] Re: viewcvs with cvsnt problem encountered

Alvin Wong alvin.wong at b2b.com.my
Mon Apr 19 07:55:13 BST 2004

Hi Bo,

Thanks for the reply, will try installing again later in the day as my 
users need access.


Bo Berglund wrote:

>On Mon, 19 Apr 2004 10:53:01 +0800, Alvin Wong <alvin.wong at b2b.com.my>
>>Hi Bo,
>>I have installed ViewCVS with CVSNT on Windows 2000 Advanced Server and 
>>i can view the webpage all right. ViewCVS was installed using the 
>>download from your webpage at
>>However when i tried to navigate on the links in the default viewcvs cvs 
>>browser on my server, it gives me the following error.
>>File "C:\Programs\ViewCvs\lib\vclib\bincvs\_init_.py", line 791, in 
>>raise vclib.Error('Error parsing rlog output. Expected RCS file "%s"'
>>Error: Error parsing rlog output. Expected RCS file 
>>"C:/cvsrepository/sandbox/eConnector/,v", found 
>>I understand that it's expecting forward slash , not backward slash. My 
>>CVSNT version is 2.0.24
>>and repository prefix is C:/cvsrepository with valid repository roots 
>>being /sandbox. What changes do i need to make before viewcvs can work 
>>successfully taking into view that it's in production and i do not want 
>>to make unnecessary changes that will change the current repository if 
>You have probably installed using a slightly old installer. Based on
>recent reports on this problem and the supplied solutions I did a new
>not so long ago.
>You can download the newest one from my site or else download the
>sources zipfile and look for the two files that have changed and
>replace them.
>These are the changed files:
>1) lib/vclib/bincvs/__init__.py (makes sure \ is changed to /)
>2) lib/viewcvs.py (adds a few new extensions to enscript highlighting)
>The first changed file is the one you need.
>(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)
>cvsnt mailing list
>cvsnt at cvsnt.org

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