[cvsnt] Re: Latest updates

Oliver Giesen ogware at gmx.net
Mon Apr 19 08:58:24 BST 2004

Tony Hoyle wrote:

> * modules2 is now capable of renaming files - this means the entire 
> rename structure is in the code and ready to automate (this is harder 
> than it sounds).
>   eg.
>     [mymodule]
>     / = realmodule
>     *foo.txt =
>     *bar.txt = realmodule/foo.txt
>     *baz.txt = othermodule/file.txt
>     This is a basic module definition, with foo.txt deleted/renamed to 
> bar.txt, and baz.txt coming from another directory altogether.  The '*' at
> the front states that this is a file mapping rather than a directory.

I think advertising this functionality as "renaming" is a bit 
misleading, don't you think? Most people will probably think of rename 
operations in the context of version control as part of a file's 
history, i.e. it should be traceable which revision had what name.

I would probably rather describe the above as "file name aliasing" or 
something like that but then I'm not a native speaker...
Just my 2c.

Congrats on the new release and the repackaged cvs manual in any case. 
Pity the one in the Wiki is still too garbled to comfortably link 
against... at which end would this have to be fixed anyway? Are you by 
now maintaining the manual in the Wiki (i.e. it could be fixed by anyone 
with sufficient access to the Wiki) or will you regenerate from source 
whenever you make changes (i.e. it has to be fixed in the converter script)?


----	------------------
JID:	ogiesen at jabber.org
ICQ:	18777742	(http://wwp.icq.com/18777742)

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