[cvsnt] Re: Source Control Best Practices?

Merrill Cornish merrill.cornish at earthlink.net
Mon Dec 6 16:55:10 GMT 2004

>>> "Best Practices" is an incredibly subjective topic

I agree, if "Best Practices" were presented as an absolute.  However, if presented as "If you want to accomplish ____, then ____ is the best way to go because ____", I think they can be very useful.

For example, I think that newcomers to source control should be told that life is much more pleasant without branches.  But is branching is necessary, the fewer the branches the better.  

One poster implied that all their developers were working on "private" branches, even though they were all working on the same code.  The purpose of the branch is to provide isolation when alterate code developerment paths must be maintained.  However, having _normal_ development be done only on branches assures that each developer is working in needless (and potentially debilitating) isolation.


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