[cvsnt] update failed after changing kb to kB substitution mode

fabien.lyon fabien.lyon at isismpp.fr
Mon Dec 6 17:06:50 GMT 2004


We used cvsnt 2.0.51 on W2K sp4.

Few months ago we have changed the substitution mode for binaries files
from -kb to -kB with the cvs command :
	cvs admin -kB
in order to get optimal access to binary file.

Since these files have been modified and checked in without any kind of
problem. The latest release is always avialable
by a check out or update command, but if we try to check out or update a
previous release (before changing the substitution mode)
we get this first one error type:
	the windows error popup message (on the cvs server side) : instruction use
memory address  "0x00f...". memory cannot be read...
	and the cvs client hang up.

We can get this second one error type :
		C:\tmp>cvs -d d:/repositories/cvsbis co -r VERSION_6_20_21_12 bis_ihmAna
		cvs checkout: Updating bis/ihms/ihmAna
		U bis/ihms/ihmAna/BISErrorCodes.ini
		U bis/ihms/ihmAna/IHMAna.cws
		U bis/ihms/ihmAna/IHMAna.prj
		U bis/ihms/ihmAna/makefile
		cvs checkout: Updating bis/ihms/ihmAna/Panel
		U bis/ihms/ihmAna/Panel/ANA_Analogue.h
		cvs checkout: Dropping data: pos>vec->text.nlines
		cvs [checkout aborted]: invalid change text in

This problem appears only on few files.

does any body can help me ?

additional information :
never appear in : .exe, .lib, .dll, .tar
only in .uir ( graphical user interface panel from Lab windows CVI )
if needed, we can provide the associated the .uir,v file (300ko)

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