[cvsnt] Re: Opposite of Import

Sandi Wijaya sandi.w at teac.co.id
Thu Dec 30 04:33:01 GMT 2004

Dear Oliver,

Thank you very much for your explanation, it's really clear my doubt (the
last one, exactly with what I face to).

by the way, I just want to ask question related to your first explanation.

for example:    Directory : C:\Project (CVS init)

1. it will create directory call CVSROOT. So what is call as CVSROOT
directory is C:\Project, isn't ? please correct me.

2. Does CVS create history in C:\Project\CVSROOT for every evidence in
C:\Project ? if yes, will it be inconsistency data happend in file of
C:\Project\CVSROOT when I delete module "Test" directory (for ex. I import
C:\Test into CVS directory - C:\Project name as "Test" module) ?

3. this other question is not related. By the way, how I delete/clearing my
"sandbox"/working directory after I committing the changed module file. I am
using WinCVS. Is it should be done manually again ?

Thank you for your valuable time and knowledge-share.

PS. I can not use NNTP because the port is closed by administrator

Best regards,


----- Original Message -----
From: "Oliver Giesen" <giesen at lucatec.de>
To: <cvsnt at cvsnt.org>
Cc: <sandi.w at teac.co.id>
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2004 4:31 PM
Subject: RE: [cvsnt] Re: Opposite of Import

> The CVS import is to add module in directory of CVSROOT
> directory right ?

Almost - or maybe it's just a misunderstanding. The definition of the
term "CVSROOT" is unfortunately a bit fuzzy... You should NEVER create
any modules below the CVSROOT administrative module of that name.
Instead all your own modules should be created as siblings to that
directory, i.e. at the "root" of your repository. Some people tend to
inaccurately call this repository root directory "CVSROOT" as well, so
if that's what you meant just forget I said anything. ;)

> but how if we want to remove the module and its directory from CVSROOT
> directory ? is it just deleting the module directory directly ?

Ah, *that* kind of "opposite"... ;)

Well, it isn't really in the nature of CVS to "forget" or remove stuff
from history. The point of version control is that all past states of a
project remain available at all times. Therefore the recommended
procedure to discontinue a module is to cvs remove all files in it.

If however this was just a test module or you're intending to move it to
a different repository or whatever then yes, the only way to accomplish
that is to simply remove the folder physically from the repository;
there is no client-side command to do this. Note again that there is
absolutely no way back if you do that!

Hope this helps.

P.S.: Please note that the CVSNT list unfortunately uses the rather
uncommon and highly annoying  scheme of not setting the Reply-To header
to the list. Thus, when replying to list mail, you have to use Reply-All
and then manually remove the original sender from the recipient list.
Alternatively use the NNTP relay at news://news.cvsnt.org/support.cvsnt
where this problem does not occur.

In everybody's best interest, please do not post or CC technical
questions to me in private unless they are specifically about a
macro/product of mine that is NOT already bundled with WinCvs. I will
generally forward my replies to such posts to the CVSGUI list without
further notice.
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