[cvsnt] Re: Opposite of Import

Oliver Giesen ogware at gmx.net
Thu Dec 30 10:28:32 GMT 2004

Sandi Wijaya wrote:

> for example:    Directory : C:\Project (CVS init)
> 1. it will create directory call CVSROOT. So what is call as CVSROOT
> directory is C:\Project, isn't ? please correct me.

I have outlined the various interpretations of the "CVSROOT" term here
and also invented some distinguishing identifiers:
(note that most links from that page are either invalid or in some
other way bogus as the whole document is still a work in progress)

> 2. Does CVS create history in C:\Project\CVSROOT for every evidence in
> C:\Project ?

It does log most operations in a file called history yes, but that's
really just a log, nothing more. You could even disable this.

> if yes, will it be inconsistency data happend in file of
> C:\Project\CVSROOT when I delete module "Test" directory (for ex. I
> import C:\Test into CVS directory - C:\Project name as "Test" module)
> ?

No, the version history is self-contained in each ,v-file. You could
basically move them around or rename or delete them as much as you like
without causing any inconsistencies from CVS' POV. The latter part is
important: Obviously if your revision data contains explicit references
to other files or folders in the repository, these references will
naturally break if you rename move or delete the repository files or
folders corresponding to the references. Furthermore, changing the
physical structure of your repository automatically invalidates any
working copies that might have been checked out before the reorg. You
will have to check them out anew.

If you've not deleted but merely moved or renamed folders in the
repository, there will be a macro in WinCvs 1.3.22 which will let you
adjust your sandbox meta data without doing a fresh checkout. It is
already available via the link supplied here:
(click at the name of the macro to get to the corresponding ViewCvs
page where you could download the macro).

> 3. this other question is not related. By the way, how I
> delete/clearing my "sandbox"/working directory after I committing the
> changed module file. I am using WinCVS. Is it should be done manually
> again ?

That's what the cvs release command is supposed to do. Its
implementation unfortunately still has some glitches though, e.g. it
often erroneously identifies all files within the to-be-released module
as locally modified. If you know for sure this is not the case, it's
safe however to just ignore that warning. Another thing is that for
technical reasons it could not remove the module's entry from its
parent's ./CVS/Entries file (if there is one) which in winCvs has the
effect of leaving the released module in a "Missing" state. You could
use the "Cleanup|Missing files or folders" macro to resolve that.

Hope this helps.

----  ------------------
JID:  ogiesen at jabber.org
ICQ:  18777742	(http://wwp.icq.com/18777742)

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